The idea
The website was the sum up of ideas came up from many hours spent (asking "What do you need from a website ? Movies, Pictures, Socialization, Games... What ?") in the summer of 2006, on MSN, mIRC, web polls, personal talks and recommendations from many of the members !
Message from the Founder
- "I was 13 years old, trying to make something better than #Skyclub - which was a channel on mIRC (UnderNet) !
- A web app with Movies, Pictures - Gallery - Albums, Live Chat, Personal Messages, Games, Software, Forum, Helpful Information, Contests, News & Events, etc. (wow !) Something that Facebook was all about until recently (2021 - before Meta)"
Facts: has never been hacked. There were daily attacks but nothing worth taking it down
We never run any ads - the costs were covered from us (Panagiotis & e-XRU - later Internetivo)
It was the first website targeting students in Cyprus
in 2008 was adopted by us (until 2021)
Website was hosted by Cynetworks or Cy-Shells or
Website was closed after 3 years (2006-2009)
Website is now hosted by Internetivo
Core Team
Panagiotis E. (aka GiotisSL) - Founder
George P. (aka Xtreme or Xtremeboy) - Extreme AIO Admin Supporter
Special Thanks to
George P.
e107 Community (
e107 Greek Community (
Christian dela C. (aka iandc76)
Samir K. (aka AkIrA)
Henk J. (aka nlstart)
Despo N. (aka sWeEt_f)
Christina C. (aka ^t|n0u4z_)
Michaela K. (aka MeLiSsOuA)
Lydia C. (aka m0l0uin)
Constantinos C. (aka kAr0tSaKlAs^)
Mixalis G. (aka K1Ll3r)
Marios C. (aka AeL-TiFoZi or Sp0ntas)
Andreas C. (aka [C]rAsH_OvEr)
Elias E. (aka R0cK3r)
Kiriakos P. (aka aLoUpOs^)
Marios A. (aka z1010)
Evangelos A. (aka Smash)
Stathis P. (aka xCod)
Loukas D. (aka Germanos)
Nikolas E. (aka bOog3ymAn)
Administrators, Moderators, Supporters, Helpers, Posters, Consultants, DJ's and Contributors